Raya Gauntlett

I believe that Design has the power to express and reflect.

A brown haired girl in a stripped jumsuit standing infront of her house holding her pomchi terrier dog.
Who is Raya?

Hello! My name is Raya Gauntlett. I attend Saint Joseph's University and am an Art major and Business and Graphic Design Minor. Towards the end of highschool and throughout college I have consistently worked as a receptionist/assistant at a nail salon. Through this I have gained hands on experience of customer service along with aquiring the tools of running a business. In addition, I have been present in my family's construction company which allows me to have hands on involvement in the designing process of a home. Through the searching of different art classes I have the opportunity to take at Saint Joes I was able to find a new passion, photography. With photography one is able to capture beauty in a variety of different ways.